Hello everyone, and welcome to Tuesday’s newsletter. Today is all about side breathing, lying on our sides and bringing our awareness to the ribs expanding and contracting with our breath. Just taking a few moments to tune into this, is a wonderful exercise, that’s fast and simple, yet effective. Let’s begin!
- Have the little ones lie on their side.
- Have them place the top hand on the lower ribs.
- Instruct them to breath in slowly and deeply
- In through the nose out through the mouth
- While they breath in and out always have the hand on the lower ribs
- Tell them to keep on their focus on the sensation
- Ask questions like “can you feel your ribs getting bigger?”
- “do you notice your hand rising with the ribs?”
- Then have the little ones lie on their other side and repeat
This simple exercise is brilliant for a few reasons, first it encourages awareness which is that all important ability to be mindful and focus. It`s also has the physical benefit of properly filling the child’s lungs to full capacity, helping avoid shallow breathing. All in all a great physical exercise for creating more mobility in the spine.
This article was written with the support of the following references.
Article Reference.
BERSMA, D. VISSCHER, M. Yoga Games for Children. Alameda CA, Hunter House Inc, 2003
2020 DIMENSION.GUIDE https://www.dimensions.guide/element/humans-lying-down-female-side
Hi there! Here is something for the grown-ups to make, but the children will spend hours playing with it!
Rainbow sand tray
You need: A small tray or shoe box lid,Coloured paper, Transparent sticky backed foil (used for covering books) and Salt
measure and cut strips of coloured paper
Lay the paper out onto the tray/box lid
Cover the coloured strips with the transparent sticky backed foil
(use a ruler to smooth over any air bubbles)
Your tray /lid is ready for a thin layer of salt
- Practise writing patterns, numbers and letters with your children!
Have fun with your rainbow tray!
Maximilian war fleißig und wir haben an unserem Kalenderblatt für September gearbeitet. Es wurde ein Igel gestaltet. Dafür benötigt man eine Gabel und taucht die Zacken in die Farbe und die Zacken druckt man auf das Blatt Papier. Voila`!
Keep calm & play on….