Hello everyone, and welcome to today`s newsletter! I’ve got a really fun yoga game that the little ones will love, so let’s jump straight in, shall we? It called Yoga Race!

  • Mummy or daddy stands at one end of the room
  • Little ones stand at the opposite end
  • When mummy and daddy turn their back, the little ones have to walk toward you
  • When mummy and daddy turn around you will shout out a pose
  • The little ones stop where they are and get into the pose
  • The child that reaches the parent first is the winner.

This is a great activity because it encourages the little ones to develop their self-control and patience. Teaching them to resist the urge to run and to be able to stop at a moment’s notice.  Here are some poses the children can easily do,

  • Boat pose
  • Bow pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Cat pose
  • Chair pose
  • Childs pose
  • Cobblers pose
  • Cobra pose
  • Cow pose
  • Dancers Pose
  • Downward facing dog
  • Eagle

This article was written with the support of the following references.

Article Reference.

BROWN, K. DoYouYoga online. 2020. 04.04.2020. https://www.doyou.com/6-fun-yoga-games-for-kids-24103/

Love, Aunty Sarah Louise

Springtime is coming, how do you think I know? The little Chick told me so, and that is how I know!

Ella has this picture on her wall, she did this craft last Easter. Give it a go, it´s great for small hands to practise using scissors.

little chick craft    


You Need:

  • Yellow paper
  • Orange paper
  • Felt tip pens
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Wobbly eyes
  • 2 different sized circles to draw around

Draw a circle on the yellow paper, draw a smaller inside circle. (the smaller circle is a guideline for the children that they see where to cut). Cut out the large circle and cut around the edges. (to look like feathers). Cut out a beak from the orange paper. Stick the yellow circle onto some paper, either plain or patterned. Stick on some wobbly eyes or draw some with a felt tip pen. Stick on the beak and draw some little legs!

Ella and Lisa


Dear Parents and children.  Easter is just around the corner.  Here are some preschool sheets for you.  If you cannot  copy them just draw them on a piece of paper and your children can go over it with all different colours and you can hang them up as deco.  Miss you all sooooo much….

Greetings Aunty Maureen

Keep calm & play on…