Um das Osterfest im Kreise der engen Familienmitglieder zu genießen, haben wir eine Idee, um Haseneierbecher für die ganze Familie schnell und einfach, selbst herzustellen.
Sie brauchen dafür:
-eine Klopapierrolle oder ein Stück Karton
-zum Verzieren: Filzstifte, Stempel, Wasserfarben- alles was das Kinderherz begehrt
Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß dabei 😊
The easter celebration is coming our way- we thought it might be nice to have easy, selfmade rabbit egg cups for your whole family.
You need:
-toilet paper roll or a piece of cardboard
-one pair of scissors
-to decorate: felted pens, stamps, watercolours- whatever you can find at home 😊
We hope you enjoy it 😊
You want to make your own EASTER MEMORY GAME? (see attachment)
Well, here is how it goes…
Step 1: Print out either templates 2 times. Print it on thicker paper if possible or stick the template onto thicker paper.
Step 2: Color in the eggs on “TEMPLATE 1” or create your own pattern if you choose “TEMPLATE 2”. You have to make sure that you always have 2 eggs that are identical!
Step 3: Cut the eggs out and you are ready to play MEMORY!
Hi there! Ella and I have made a bunny finger puppet, you might like to make this too with your children. There’s a bunny rhyme as well! Have fun!
Cut out 2 circles, 1 big 1 small
Draw some features on the small circle
Cut out 2 holes big enough for your child’s fingers to fit through. (grownups should do this!)
Cut out some bunny ears and decorate
Stick together and play!
I´m a little bunny
Happy as can be
See me hop
Children love to play with “grown up toys” like cameras or phones so this entry is about using these “toys” for creative projects and learning that they can be used for much more than playing games and watching youtube videos.
1.Make a Stop-motion film
Stop motion films are so much fun to make and are an exciting project for children from 3 years onwards. The younger children need more support but after a little practice should be able to understand how stop-motion films work.
Stop motion films can be made using objects cut out from paper, toy figures, everyday household objects or people and can turn out really, really funny! They can be made with the help of the “Stop motion Animation App” or just with a phone/camera.
Here’s a few links to instructions and tips:
Videos (in English)
Explanation (in German)
- Video diary-homemade film-music video-magic show
By using a digital camera, a video diary is a great way for children to record their thoughts, feelings and activities during this unusual time. On the other hand, a homemade movie is a good way for storytelling children to be able to get creative. Writing a script together, organising costumes from things at home and deciding who should play which role can be fun activities to involve the whole family. For aspiring singers or magicians, a homemade video of a favourite song or magic trick can be a nice memory to look back on in years to come (perfect for when the first girl/boyfriend comes to visit!!!) 😊
“Openshot” is a free open-source video editing software which is free to download and easy to use.
- Exploring the floor!
Figure 1: Deutsch, A. PicCollage,
Next time you enjoy your garden, take the camera with you and see how many different types of floor surface you come across.
Photograph these and talk about what you find: “what does it feel like? Is it a natural or artificial surface? Can you see any animals or plants?..” etc.
Make a “floor collage” either digitally (using the free App “PicCollage”) or manually by printing out the photos and cutting/gluing them onto a piece of card.
Detailed link here:
Keep calm & play on…
Here you can also find any easy Pre-school work sheet (cut and paste Easter eggs) . Have fun!