Dear Parents,
Our ideas of today: attached some Preschool ideas, how to decorate and bring some Easter spirit to your house with self-made salt dough Easter eggs, bunnies,… and paper eggs to decorate for both children and adults , how to go on a journey and travel the world in your living room and some awareness inspiration including laughs and giggles. 😊
Keep calm and play on…
#strongertogether …. Stay healthy !!!
Your Playschool- Team ❤
Ella and I have had fun decorating eggs! There are many ideas to try, but we have 2 ideas that we used. Hope you like them!
Egg with gems….
You Need:
- Paper or card – white or coloured
- Scissors
- Glue
- Stickers, gems, glitter, felt pens, paint etc.
- Egg shape templates (1 big, 1 small)
- String/ribbon for hanging (attach with sticky tape)
Simply draw around the templates on your paper. Cut out the shapes. Decorate!
This activity is great for hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and just being creative. Suitable for all ages, even grownups!!!
Bunny Egg….
You Need:
- A white, blown out egg. (Make 2 holes at each end with a pin. Turn the pin carefully to make the hole bigger. Blow out the egg from the shell)
- Cut toilet roll rings to use as a stand for your eggs!
- Scissors, felt pens, glue
- Paper
- Pompoms or tissue paper (for the nose and tail)
Cut out some bunny ears from the white paper and colour the middle pink. Cut out hearts from the paper (the hearts are the paws). Glue on the ears. Draw eyes (we used stickers) Draw or stick on a nose (we used a pompom). Draw whiskers and a mouth. Glue the heart to the back of the egg, add a pompom for a tail or you can use scrunched up tissue paper.
Osteranhänger aus Salzteig
2 Tassen Mehl
1 Tasse Salz
1 Tasse Wasser
1 EL Öl
Zutaten verkneten, ausrollen, ausstechen und kleine Löcher zum Aufhängen rein machen und 2 Stunden bei 80 Grad trocknen.
The following idea is for everybody who is interested in learning more about the WORLD.
This year’s project in Advanced is all about the 7 continents.
So far we have travelled to many European countries, got to know more about the biggest continent of the World- Asia, visited Australia to meet kangaroos and koalas, and made a short stop on the coldest continent, Antarctica. To shorten the time until we can continue with our project, I decided to share the following homepage with you.
But this idea is not only for the ADV parents and children, but for everyone who wants to get to know more about the 7 CONTINENTS OF THE WORLD.
During the past few months, I was scrolling a lot through the internet to find interesting information and facts which I can use for the lessons- and I came across this homepage : „“.
You can learn so much, not only about different cultures and traditions, but also about animals and how to prepare specials meals from countries all over the World. There are even short video clips and riddles J
So when you have time to sit down and read to your child, why don`t you explore this homepage instead of reading the same books again and again. It is not only a nice change, but also a great way to learn more about the World- not only for children, but also for adults 😉
I hope you have fun travelling the World with your little ones 🙂
Hello parents and welcome back to another newsletter! I hope you all are enjoying your Easter holidays. I have another fun game for you and the little ones. It’s a lovely activity and provides an opportunity for the children to be silly, but also to practice their listening and focus skills. The perfect combination! It’s a good idea to have a revision of the poses before starting this game. Today we will be a silly puffer train. Let’s begin!
Silly Puffer Train
- Have the little ones line up behind you.
- Have enough space between everyone
- The first leader *you mum or dad, will lead the train, walking around the room
- Leading the train means that you pick the yoga pose, that everyone else will copy
- When you feel ready the leader will say the pose and keep walking around the room
- However, once you, the leader stops and turns, everyone must get into the mentioned pose
- Who was listening carefully? Who got into the right pose?
- Leaders can swap so that the little ones get a chance to be the boss!
Put on some great music and walk around as silly as you can! This game is all about having a laugh and giggle, this is the most important goal. It`s important to keep laughing, realising that feel good hormone. Laugh is so healing, so comforting, and we all need a little bit of that at the moment, right? Have a lovely day everyone.
This article was written with the support of the following references.
Article Reference.
BROWN, K. DoYouYoga online. 2020. 04.04.2020.
Keep calm & play on…