Hello Parents!
Hello Children!
Ella was busy at the weekend making ´hedge post` to give to the neighbours! Her and her friend next door created pictures for each other and posted them through the hedge into each other’s gardens. I thought it was a lovely idea and wanted to share it with you!
You can also leave Post (pictures, paintings, letters etc) on your neighbours’ doorstep or just take a photo and send it to them!
Ella sent this……
….and received that!
Have fun getting creative with your Hedge, doormat or photo post!
Hello parents and welcome to Monday’s yoga newsletter, how is everyone, I hope good! Today is a simple, yet effective exercise. It’s a classic, can anyone guess? It’s the cat and cow! Sometimes all the little one’s need is a little stretch while using their imagination, easy peasy. Let’s begin!
- Have the little ones on their hands and knees, have them think of themselves as cats
- Encourage the little ones to stretch like cats
- Arching their back high
Then lowering their back, letting their tummy be heavy
- Continue this for three rounds of breath
- Make it a challenge by having them lift the right arm and left leg out
- Do the same with the left arm and right leg
- How long can they hold it? Is it tricky? That’s ok, this exercise demands full attention.
The cat stretch is brilliant for the back, warming up the spine without putting any weight on it. Making it a very safe stretch for the children. The use of the imagination is also great, developing that ability of visualisation, which pours into their creative abilities. I hope you enjoy this, have a lovely day.
Knetmasse mit Lebensmitteln
400g Mehl (glatt)
200g Salz
2 EL Alaun
1/2l Wasser
3 El Öl
optional 1 Pkg. Lebensmittelfarbe
Vermische die festen/trockenen Zutaten-Wasser kochen und Öl dazugeben-beides vermischen und gut durchkneten.
Falls die Masse zu trocken ist noch etwas Wasser hinzugeben oder falls sie zu sehr klebt noch etwas Mehl hinzufügen.
WICHTIG: Die Knetmasse Luftdicht verschließen. Zuhause ist sie dann sehr lange haltbar.
Keep calm & play on….