Dear Parents and children,
Have fun with Yoga, our number jar, some ideas to help in the kitchen with making a Schnitzel and these lunch or snack rhymes.
Als kleines Ritual vor dem Mittagessen oder der Jause kann auch einmal ein Reim/ Lied als Einstieg gesungen oder aufgesagt werden. Die Kinder lieben solche Rituale und werden sie nach kurzer Zeit ganz auswendig können.
Nicht nur der Spaß an der Sache, sondern auch das Gemeinschaftsgefühl und einzelne Phrasen fließen in die Alltagsroutine mit ein. Have fun 😊!
Sung to: „Frere Jacques“
Time for Lunch, Time for Lunch,
Let´s get ready, Let’s get ready.
I’m getting hungry,
I’m getting hungry.
How about you? How about you?
Wash your hands, wash your hands,
Before we eat, before we eat.
We should have clean hands,
We should have clean hands.
When we eat, when we eat.
1,2,3, have lunch with me!
I am hungry, how about you? I am hungry how about you? I am hungry, how about you? Let’s have snack together!
Keep calm and play on…
#strongertogether …. Stay healthy !!!
Your Playschool- Team ❤
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Sandra Ivanschütz
Sandra Ivanschütz, BA
Englische Spielschule
Spittelwiese 15
A-4020 Linz
T: 0043 732 775855
M: 0043 664 4182131
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Hello parents, welcome to Wednesdays newsletter! Today the little ones are in charge, well at the start they are, but don’t worry parents your turn will be next. Today we are playing mirror mirror. Let’s begin!
- Inform the children that you are the mirror
- You being the mirror means you copy everything that the child does
- The little ones are in charge they come up with the yoga poses they want you to copy
- Easy right? But we can make it more challenging
- The children should do a number of yoga poses fast and you parents, well you just have to try and keep up…. Can you?
- After this have the children be the mirror
- Now you get to dictate the yoga poses
- Don’t for get to make it a challenge
- Don’t be afraid to get silly and make funny faces and noises, when you’re in cat cow pose, make cat and cow sounds
This game can provide a good laugh, the faster and sillier you make the yoga poses the more laughs to be had. The kids love being the one in charge, giving them a self-esteem boost in regards to their leadership abilities. When they can be the ones showing mummy and daddy the poses, they feel so proud! So, give it a go and let the aunties know how it went, we love hearing from you!
This article was written with the support of the following references.
GoGo Yoga for Kids. Com accessed on 22.042020 accessed on 22.04.20
Picture. accessed on 22.04.2020
Big helpers in the kitchen
Maximilian isst sehr gerne Schnitzel und gemeinsam haben wir es zubereitet. Er war stolz wie er es Papa erzählen konnte, dass er Mama beim Schnitzel machen geholfen hat.
Das Ei aufschlagen macht er immer schon gerne und wo man das Ei nicht trennen muss, darf er das immer machen, wenn er gerade Lust dazu hat.
Das Schnitzel gibt man zuerst in Mehl und dann in eine Ei/Milchmischung und zum Schluss in Semmelbrösel oder man kann auch zerkleinerte Kürbiskerne oder Cornflakes verwenden. Diesen Schritt habe ich übernommen, da sonst alles auf seinen Fingern klebt und Maximilian das nicht wollte. Währenddessen hat er mit dem Mehl experimentiert und Zahlen in das Mehl geschrieben bzw. Handabdrücke gemacht.
Probiert es auch aus! 😊
Today`s activity is all about numbers! Ella has been curious lately about numbers and letters, so I was inspired to put together a Number Jar.
You need: An empty jar, Paper, Pens ………and a curious child!
- Write numbers on the paper, adding dots for beginners
- Fold the paper and fill the jar
Games to play:
- Which colour?
Lay the numbers out on the table and ask, ´which colour is the number 6`? etc…
- Copy me do
Pick a number from the jar and trace the number with your finger
- Magic pen
Pick a number from the jar, using your pointer finger, trace the number on your child’s back. Can they guess the number?
- Number poster
Pick out numbers from the jar and copy them onto paper, using coloured pencils, felt pens etc.
This activity can be adapted to an Alphabet jar. Have fun!
Keep calm & play on….