Hi everyone! Let’s get musical!!!
Here are some games for you all to try, with music…….
- Moving and grooving
Just choose some favourite music and have a mini disco at home!
- Musical statues
Dance along and freeze, when the music stops!
- Yoga pose
Dance along and show off a Yoga pose when the music stops!
- Funny faces
Pull a funny face when the music stops
- Action time!
Maybe you have some action song c.ds at home to move and sing along to.
……and if there is no time today for playing, turn up the music and help together with the household chores!!!!
Benefits of music:
- Inspires creativity
- Builds motor skills
- Supports self-expression
- Supports language development
- Is very uplifting – so if it’s a dull day …get moving and grooving to lift your mood!
Have a great day!
Maximilian war fleißig und wir haben an unseren Kalenderblätter für Februar( WC- Papierrolle zu einem Herz formen, mit Gummiringerl umwickeln und drauf los stempeln) gearbeitet.
Hello everyone and welcome to todays newsletter. Today we are going picking for apples while in forward fold. So, we need our imaginary basket and lots imaginary apples to pick. Let’s begin!
- Have the little ones sit on the floor with legs out straight in front of them
- Inform them that their feet are actually their basket
- With hands stretch up high, begin to pick the apples from the trees
- Bend forward and place your apples in your basket
- Stretching high then leaning forward towards the toes
This is an amazing stretch for the lower back creating great mobility for the lower spine. When practiced often, it helps develop a flexible lower back, helping maintain an overall healthy spine. This stretch can be used for physical self-care and this is great for the little ones to learn from an early age. The use of the imagination here makes it fun and creative, encouraging the children’s visualisation abilities.
Sarah Louise
This article was written with the support of the following references.
Keep calm & play on….